Friday, May 11, 2018

Teach Me, My God and King!

Teach Me, My God and King

Teach me, my God and King, 
in all things Thee to see,
and what I do in anything,
to do it as for Thee.

To scorn the senses' sway,
while still to Thee I tend;
in all I do be Thou the Way,
in all be Thou the End.

All may of Thee partake;
nothing so small can be,
but draws, when acted for Thy sake,
greatness and worth from Thee.

If done t'obey Thy laws,
e'en servile labors shine;
hallowed is toil, if this the cause,
the meanest work divine.

~George Herbert, 1633; recast by John Wesley, 1738

This is a new hymn to me, and I really love its honesty and simplicity. Have you heard it before? Our hymnal has it set to the tune Festal Song by William Henry Walter, 1894

1 comment:

  1. Olivia,
    Haven't heard it before but can see why you like it.
    I know you are busy planning your trip and getting last minute things done. I pray you all have a safe and very enjoyable trip.
    Love you!!



I love comments! Please keep them clean and respectful of God and man!