Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Southwest Minnesota String Festival 2018!

Dear everyone,

Hello from a satisfactorily tired violinist! Today I have pictures to share with you, and not stories, since my brain will not spin a tale right now. If you'd like to watch one of our concerts, here you are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TtkMRBp5NA I start playing at 1 hour and five or so minutes.

 <--- the musicians of the Motley Crew

 <---- best friend!

 <--- in the cafeteria?

 <--- final day!

 <--- more friends. . .

 <--- all the friends! 

 <--- best friend (again)! :) 

 <--- friends!

 <--- the BSU (Bacco Student Academy)

 <--- Musicianship class group one! 

More to come later!


  1. Olivia,
    Great pic's! I saw them on the phone, but can see so much better on your blog. Hope you had a great time and had a day of rest today.
    Love you tons,


  2. Pictures can tell storys too! Thanks for sharing these with us.


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