Monday, March 20, 2017

The Book of Knowledge: German painters


    I am starting a new section in the Book of Knowledge: The Story of  the Fine Arts. 
    One of the most famous painters we know of today came from Germany, namely Albrecht Durer. Another one is Hans Holbein the Elder. Or how about Stephen Lochner? His triple panel of the Wise Men is quite good too. 
    I notice the shadows in all of them, however. The backgrounds of the portraits aren't that detailed, but every wrinkle and detail of clothing shows. I have been trying to figure the source (or sources) of lighting in The Death of Mary by Hans Holbein. There seems to be light coming in from the street, but Mary's face is turned away from the street/window, and her face is quite light. The person directly behind her is in a lot of shadow, with no backlighting whatsoever. There must be a window in front of her too? What if it's portraying the Light she is going to? 

On a completely different note, happy spring! I decided the background needed a change. It was far too wintery, in my opinion. What do you think of the change? 



  1. Cool favicon.
    Also, that's a beautiful photo.
    I like what you did with the lighting, and the shadows.
    Thanks for posting such a wonderful picture.

  2. You noticed the favicon! I wondered if anyone would. And thank you.
    That is one of my most popular photos. I really like it too. We had roses, and there was a spot of sunshine in our living room, so I misted water on the rose, and then had Sophia hold it in the sunshine. A few editing details, and it was ready for the world to see! :) I'm glad you like it.


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