Friday, May 26, 2017

Bonus Post: Chives

These are chive blossoms in the midst of opening! I love chives, to eat and to enjoy in the garden. Unlike some herbs, chives have pretty fragrant flowers. The fragrance is a mild sweet onion sort of smell, but it's not overpowering. My chives are about two feet tall, and they are quite thick and abundant. I plan to divide them this fall. I like to use them in egg bakes, stroganoff, alfredo, and I will experiment more with them this summer. 

Do you like chives? Have you ever knowingly tried them?


  1. Thanks to all the readers to getting my blog to 1,600 views!

  2. The blossoms are good sauteed.
    Well, and the stems.

    1. I am definitely going to try that! Sauteed in butter, I assume? Or maybe olive oil?

  3. Yes, butter.
    It would be interesting to try olive oil though!
    Or even Bacon grease.

  4. And, how was it? Do tell! Do tell!

    1. They were pretty good! I think I'll be making them again. I would liken the texture to broccoli. I might add some seasonings next time too. They do cook down quite a bit, though.

    2. I did try them again only with bacon grease and they were even better! The added saltiness was really good with them! I'll definitely being making them again :).

  5. Well I'm glad you like them! :)
    The kind of oil you choose to use in a recipe can make a difference. Some, more than others.

    (I've made lemon bars with Lard instead of butter).

    1. From my experience with lard I don't really care for it, unless used for a pie crust for a meat pie, not a berry or sweet one. The meaty flavor transferred too much for my taste, haha :).

      Maybe I should try it again.


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