Saturday, June 24, 2017

Musings and Callings

(a fairy lost in thought)
      This post comes after quite a bit of musing and thought, on my part. In Christian circles, generally not the ones I have been raised in, there is much discussion about callings. "What is your calling in life?" "What does God want you to do?" The problem I am finding with these, however, is that the word calling has many different meanings. "How do you define calling?" I want to ask these people. Some say things like "My calling is to feed geese" or in other cases "My calling is to be a women pastor" Ummmm, yeah, I don't think that's biblical, yet you are tacking a somewhat-associated-with-the-Bible word onto it to justify it? Or to clarify it? It doesn't make sense to me. Is calling a word that used to mean one thing and now means another? Probably.
     You can read all sorts of articles on what your calling is, and take quizzes as well. It's surprising that someone who doesn't even know you knows what you'll end up doing with your life. ;) One of the first sources that came up was Oprah. No, I did not look at it. Others include Tiny Buddha, WomenLeaders, and Pick the Brain. Interesting.
     What will you say when someone asks you what your calling is? The problem, if it is one, that I am running into is that I have so many many interests in life. How to choose what to major in in college, or minor in, or get a job in, or pour my time into? Music, animals, crafts, children, orphans (kinda the same thing as children.....), graphic design, art, all of them? I really would like to go spend some time with missionaries, work with kids, orphans, the elderly, the homeless. I think my heart is too big. It may not sound like a problem, but I'm running into some! :) There is not enough time for all of them!
      Anyway, what are your thoughts on callings? Do you think you know what yours is? How did you know?


  1. Whisper's calling was to feed geese :).

  2. I intend to comment... Eventually!


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