Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Music Wednesday

Hello y'all! I hope your week is going fabulously! I'm feeling under the weather today, but as it's rainy and dripping outside, I think it's a good day to curl up with tea.

What I've been listening to: This time I have a few to share with you, a recent discovery and an older favorite! The newer selection is by a composer I had not heard much of util this week, when I explored his works a little bit more! I think Louis Spohr's violin concerto number 11 is a good summary of his style. He is close to Beethoven, but still has a similar feel to Mozart. 
The second selection is an oldy but a goody. Vivaldi's La Serenissima has a good range of Vivaldi's works, and I often go back to this album. It's just so comfortable to listen to. Some of those recordings have mistakes, or tempo problems I'm sure only a musician would notice, but it does distract one from the music! This album probably does have mistakes somewhere, I just haven't heard them yet! 

What I have been playing: Bach. Oh, and Bach. And some more Bach, as always! 😉 Also, since I am officially teaching my first student this fall, working on knowing how to teach. It's tricky, knowing what to say so it makes sense to a six-year-old. 

What have you been up to that's music related? 


  1. Oh dear! You must be feeling under the weather.
    You said "y'all" :)

    Yes, I can see how that could be tricky. Even when you're teaching you never stop learning.
    Also, I like the change in perspective, teaching something makes me remember when I first learned!

    1. Ha, yes, the southern slur is creeping in!

      I think it'd going to be hard for me to notice the big problems first. . . the nitpicky ones that turn so quickly into bad habits. Those are dangerous, and even I still have a few! After 10 years! And keeping my young student's attention. 6 year-olds are not known for their long attention span! :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Um, I think you're going to need to use some some of your glitter right now! And quick!

    1. I'm never opposed to that! They make edible glitter, did you know?

  3. Oh, for cupcakes?

    Actually, I was talking about the typo. It's taken the form of the wrong contraction.
    You prefer to make them disappear in a blast of glitter and sparkles, yes?


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