Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I'm still alive! (Barely)

(My horse's eye. Isn't it neat?)
Yes, I am still here, and I'm still having blog post ideas! What I don't have is time... I've mentioned it before. I hate being that blogger who takes really long breaks and doesn't keep up, but ya know, I'm not one of those bloggers who hopes to be known web-wide. I have my little spiderweb in the corner, and it's where my friends can read about my life and experiences and get to know me better. Also, where I can improve my writing skills. 
(Coco's mane --- so shiny!)
I suppose you all want a bit of news and update on why I've been so quiet, right? If so, keep reading! 
(I love that face!)
I'm having a fierce fight with a cold today, which is why I have the time to write a post. Hopefully my foggy brain can be coherant . . . 
We're putting my horse down this weekend. (Maybe that's why all the pictures are of her?) It's gonna be pretty tough. I get it, okay, she's a horse, so I don't have to worry about her soul. But I think some people miss the relationship that can be had with an animal. So anyway, without climbing too high onto that soapbox, I'm probably going to be pretty red-eyed and sad. I am getting one of these made out of her hair, and I have a photo canvas of the two of us coming in the mail tomorrow. I wish I could tell my younger self to enjoy life more and enjoy not having to make the hard decisions and changes. But such is life, right? 
(I squeal over this shot!)
I've visited my first college, which went well, but now I need to make decisions and decisions. . . (and more decisions!)
(Don't mind the bulky coat -- I live in MN!) 
I'm still enjoying photography, and working on graphic design... (duh, can't you tell by all the pictures in this post?) 

Oh, and music of course. But that's a given that I'm still doing it. 😉

That's all for now! 


  1. Olivia,
    I have been thinking about you all day. I received your e-mail. My heart goes out to you and I am sure your eyes are red as are your Mom's and Sophia's. I am grateful you have had the opportunity to share Coco's years with her. I am sure you made her very happy as she made you very happy. I love you. Gram

  2. It's really hard losing an animal that you love and have had for several years!
    I will be in prayer for you all.
    May the Lord grant you wisdom in your decisions.
    With love!

  3. I didn't see your post until today. I'm so sorry about coco . Losing a friend like that is really heartbreaking. Having photos as a reminder of the good days you had together is good

    1. Yes, it was tough, but it was time, which was comforting in a way, because I knew we were doing the right thing for her.
      Thanks for commenting, though!

  4. So sorry that you had to say good-bye to your beloved horse! :( Lovely pictures as always Olivia! Thanks for sharing! May the Lord bless & graciously guide you thru all the decision-making ahead of you. I miss you dear friend!

    1. Thank you, Noelle! I miss you too! Thankfully I have time to consider before I make decisions which is a blessing, as always!


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