Monday, November 13, 2017

♯ Making Music ♯

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(Photo credit to SMSU Today)

It takes work, practice time, and energy. Lots of energy. I never realized how much energy went into a single performance until I was in an orchestra. Also, focus. Focus on the music, the time signature, conductor, bowing, intonation, dynamic, and detail. Playing in an orchestra is a completely different skill than performing solo, or as a duet or small ensemble. 

BUT it's so totally completely worth it. Every ounce of energy, every late night, every note played, and every piece of music performed. Every emotion felt.

I also play differently solo than say, at church with the congregation. It's a different technique altogether. My adrenaline can get pretty high when I compete . . . 😉 If you've only ever heard violins in a solo performance do not expect the same sound if you plop them with an ensemble. There's so much team-work that goes into playing with a group. 

(Photo credit to SMSU Today)

If you have the opportunity to play in a group I strongly suggest it. It's literally eye opening and such a space for learning, not to mention the community to help you learn. 


  1. Olivia,
    You have learned so much since you were a little girl playing the violin. Tho it is hard work don't ever give up the pleasure of playing.
    I love you....Gram

    1. Yes! I have learned so so much! :)
      I love you too!

  2. Reading this makes me want to get back into the orchestra groove again! You're so right about focusing! There are so many layers to playing in a large group that make it complicated, but it is well worth the experience! Thanks for the post!
    ~ Megan Joy

    1. Aw, thanks for the comment, Megan! Orchestra is fun, isn't it? What instrument do you play?

  3. Yay, you posted!
    How do you like teaching?
    I meant to ask you Sunday.

    Piano four hands is a lot fun.
    But it's also very different from a violin piano duet.
    I'm still learning how to play in a trio though! :)

    1. Teaching is going well, so far. I think my little pupil is a fast learner and that helps too.

      There's a lot of great trios out there! :)

  4. Do you enjoy teaching?
    It seems I've made a trio of comments.


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