Friday, March 10, 2017

The Book of Knowledge: On France

        France strikes me to be a crowded place with all the buildings and homes and shops close together, and then the tourists. France has seen a lot of action in its history, whether it was war or the bustle of things being sold and bought, or being built and cultivated.
      The perhaps most famous square in France is the Place de la Revolution, or as it's known now, the Place of  Peace. Two familiar sights in France are the Eiffel Tower and the Seven Bridges of Paris. The architecture is astonishing in France. France has Napoleon's tomb, the Lourve, the Paris Opera, and the Madeleine, to name a few. The rivers do their fair share of dividing the land and bringing in merchandise. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you used a picture of a horned owl to depict France.


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