Friday, May 12, 2017

SBS: Mr Bliss

Image result for tolkien mr bliss book
(Not my picture. This is the cover.)
    According to my Blogger stats, no one read my last SBS post. . . which is strange, because I saw my sister reading it. So... maybe the statistics are a little confused. 
    Mr Bliss, by J.R.R. Tolkien, is one of the best children's books out there. One thing I think every good children's book should have is the ability to be enjoyed by adults, too. Mr Bliss certainly has that going for it! :) Mr Bliss is the main character, who ... well, just go read the book. I don't think our library system has it, but you can find it on Amazon or Thrift Books for about $7. 
Till next time, Archie, Teddy and Bruno! 
Enjoy reading Mr Bliss. :) 


  1. I thought his name was Urso (Brunov) the little father of all bears. Or is "Bruno" someone else?
    Also, I think the stats are slightly More accurate than time.

    1. Who's name?
      Archie, Teddy and Bruno are in Mr Bliss. I won't tell you who they are, so as not to spoil it for you. :)
      I really am not sure what's going on with the time. . . I certainly did not post that at 7:26 AM. Or PM, for that matter. I shall go check the time zone in settings.

    2. Urso Brunov is the main character in "The Tale of Urso Brunov:Little Father of All Bears". (In case you haven't heard of it before) It's a children's book
      By: Brian Jacques. I would recommend it! if you haven't read it and if you have. Well, no one's ever died from reading a book twice! Or have they?


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