Monday, May 15, 2017

SBS: Pendragon's Heir

(I love that font, by the way)
   Hopefully hopefully hopefully this summer I can get some more readers for my blog. I might do some guest posting and such, if I can. The thing is, does anyone want to read about good books and see pictures? Oh, and music. ;) It should be a no-brainer. But sadly, in this world, I don't think it is. 
   Pendragon's Heir, by Suzannah Rowntree ranks high, quite high, out of our family's favorite books. I believe our library does have a copy of it, though I'm not 100% sure. It is a really good retelling of the myths of Arthur (?). Pendragon's Heir is a great example of chivalry, honor, a brave woman, good morals, and a bit of magic. Well, okay, more than a bit, I guess. My sister is forever recommending it over at her blog too.  
Do go read it. If you are in the area you could borrow it from us, too. :)
Maybe I can get three readers for this post? 

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