Monday, July 10, 2017

Music.... ramblings

I love music because it gives me joy; it gives me a glimpse into eternity. Music can help me in any situation, to help me express myself, to feel happy or serious. Music teaches me patience.
Music is satisfying. Performing music solo is a thrill I cannot describe. Music is something not everyone can enjoy and give, and if you can, give it to others.
My heart is always full of music, of the love of music, of the struggle with music. If you don't hear me singing or humming, you can be sure I'm listening to music. I would have the radio going always except when practicing, if I could. My family is not the same way, so I do try to respect that. I have a whole folder on the computer labeled: Music. Yep, and it's a pretty long collection.
I'm always trying to learn, to improve, and yet still enjoy. I don't want to be "broken". My own teacher was, and I know many other music students (not his) often are. If you don't like music or enjoy playing, don't. You won't put effort into it as someone who loves it would, and we can tell.

Goodness...... I hope you didn't mind reading my ramblings. Also, I need more blog post ideas. 
Got any? 


  1. "If you don't like music or enjoy playing, don't. You won't put effort into it as someone who loves it would, and we can tell."

    L.v. Beethoven puts it simply: "playing without passion is inexcusable"

    Try a dose of beautiful weather to get you back in the mood. hmm,that seems oddly familiar. :)
    If you can't think of anything to write, try posting a few photos with a title. After all "photograph" literally means: a writing of light.

    Also, I don't mind your ramblings!
    Two, out of curiosities: have you heard the three "Gymnopedie's"
    And Do you get the urge to snap your fingers in time with the piece you're listening to?

    * OK! I admit, this might be a bit of a ramble. *

    1. Beethoven puts a lot of things simply, it seems. And that is usually a good thing.

      Ha, yes, that does sound similar! :) I should take your advice. Last night I did a miniature photoshoot with my violin, which was rewarding, of course. Hence the new header image. I do need to take my camera outside more, though. Especially in the evenings.

      To answer your curiosities:
      1. No, and upon looking them up I might save listening to them for tomorrow, though they do look interesting.
      2. Welllll, I can't really snap my fingers while playing the violin, so no. I don't seem to for the piano either. I wonder why, now that you mention it. I've always been trained with a metronome, so maybe I have that ticking "instinct" in my head, and therefore not need to snap my fingers? I can tell when a musician is rushing in a recording, and that does annoy me. :)
      Sometimes I tap with my foot, but I am mostly "cured" of that now.

      *I don't mind your rambles any more than you mind mine*
      **yikes, that's hard to say**

    2. One of the Gymnopedies is on the Parkening CD.


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