Monday, March 25, 2019

Hello everyone! It's been just over two years since I started my blog, and I thought it was about time I re-introduce myself to my readers and say hello to the new readers... so here goes!

     I am an eighteen-year-old city-girl turned country-girl who loves music, photography, children, cooking and baking, and sewing, drawing, decorating.... I have a lot of hobbies! 😆 I am a conservative Baptist, and I love my church and church family, and am a church musician. I also teach music to one student and have mentored two others. I do enjoy teaching, and will pursue a teaching licence after college. And no, not just for the money. 😉 Often people think that it's pretty hard to make money as a musician, and while there is some truth to that, I have plenty of examples proving the opposite. But I digress. *ahem* 

   I mamble and ruddle my words quite a bit, but I also laugh at myself, so it's all good. I like to sing, but what I sing ranges from nonsensical ditties to hymns and Bach. It might even be whatever violin concerto I'm working on at the moment. I like to have fun with music too. 

   I'm planning my high school graduation, which, to be honest, is a little weird, because I'm home-schooled, and we don't really have big graduations, you know what I mean? 😊 After graduation my plans are to attend St Mary's University of Minnesota in Winona. It's a beautiful area, and I love the school. They base their education on the liberal arts, but they let you have specific classes too. I can't wait to go, but, you know, I don't want to leave my family and church family. I already kind of dread the "last Sunday." 

   I try to keep the art of letter-writing alive, and I have a few pen pals. I still get a thrill when I find a letter in the mailbox. I like pretty paper and a good pencil. 

   I hope this was helpful! 😊 Drop me a comment if you have a question! (even if you don't have a question, I still love comments!)

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