Monday, April 8, 2019

Why I am going to college, part 1


    I think it's safe to say that in most Christian circles it is either considered wrong for girls to go to college or that they only go to find husbands (otherwise called an M.R.S. degree). However, I think there is another category
--- girls going to get the education, the knowledge, and often, if the girls are committed, the wisdom.        When I searched anything to do with girls and college I got results like "Desperate for their MRS degrees", "Moms of girls: college bound or keeper of the homes?" (my question with this one is why not both? Girls with college degrees can keep a house!), "Will I find love in college?", and similar titles. It's really discouraging, because I don't see why going to college is bad or ungodly.
    Who wouldn't want to learn more about God's great world? In fact, I think we're told in several places in the Bible to seek knowledge. And those passages weren't written explicitly to men either. It was to everybody who called themselves a Christian, and was striving to live in accordance to His will. Now that we've established that we are to learn, the next question is how can we? By home schooling, public schooling, online classes and colleges, physical colleges? Are all of them okay, or are the advantages with some over others? Since college is the main theme here, I'm not going to go into the big discussion about public schooling versus home schooling, since that is ... well, not college.
    One big argument I've come across is for online colleges. Now, I don't have experience with one, never having taken an online class, but I know people that have, and one in particular really disliked it---there's so much time on electronic devices, all the staring at screens, the poor quality of the actual class. So much is to be gained by being present in a room with the teacher, and even that relationship of student to teacher is completely gone in an online class. You are just some random Bob or Jill to the teacher. And he's just some guy in the video. If you're just watching already filmed videos, you will not have the same kind of respect for your teacher as if he was standing right in front of you. There is a physical element that online classes and courses do not have (well, obviously). But the pros that the moms and single ladies are putting forth are that you can live at home, wait for the right guy, and still learn something! That's not too far off of what they say, even with some sarcasm, really. As for those, well, I know my parents don't want me to live with them as an adult, I am not simply "waiting for the right guy" but actually doing things with my life, and I think the "learning environment" (if I can call it that) at a college is much more helpful than your home, especially if you have many siblings. Think of the resources at a college, the "You're here to learn and become a better human" idea of it all! It can be much more focused than your bedroom (or wherever you take an online class).

Any questions? :) Drop me one in the comment section! 

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