Monday, April 29, 2019

    I went outside to gather spring-time pictures, and I was not disappointed. When I didn't see anything to take a picture of, I just sat for a minute and looked around, and what do you know, I noticed something I hadn't seen before. 

    Let's start! I started off peeking in the flower beds to see if anything was blooming yet. I was rewarded with a cute little blue flower. . . these are so photogenic! 

Then I went over to the lilac bushes, where I found this lichen. It's so ORANGE! 

Some buds caught my eye once I was in our grove, and I couldn't help but admire the bokeh in the pictures! 

I documented one of my "nothing to photograph here" moments...

  Looks normal, right? 

   Look closer!


Perspective is everything, my friends! 

Moving on to the blooming sumac, I tried out both landscape and portrait shots for these two. I think both look nice! 

And that's all for now! I have some exciting posts coming up! Stay tuned! :) 


  1. Glad to see you're still using your Camera. :)

    1. Not as often as I would like, of course. But still, it was good to get back out and use it. :)


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